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2017-12-22 15:17  

Procedures of leaving campus for international students



Dear International Students,


All the international students should follow the requirements and go through the formalities of leaving campus after finishing your studies in Jilin HuaQiao University of Foreign Languages .The details are as follows:


Get the registration form of departure: the registration form will be issued one week before the completion of your courses. If you want to apply for leaving school in advance, make sure your original school’s letter of approval be received by our school, and go to the School of International Education(office 104) for the registration form of departure .

2.上交学生证 :将学生证返回国际交流中心104办公室,学生证丢失的学生需要在周三下午去行政楼208刷一卡通补办学生证并盖缴费证明章。

Hand back your student card: You are required to hand back your student card to the International Exchange Center(office 104). If you lost it, go to the administration building(office 208) on Wednesday afternoon; make up a new one; finish the payment and get a stamp on the letter of approval.


Approval by the office of International Exchange and Cooperation: Get the signature of approval from teacher Piao at room 201 in Multi-functional building.


Approval by library: go to the 1st floor reception desk; swipe your student card to confirm all the books are returned.


Approval by International students’ apartment officeTeacher MR Man (from office of International Exchange Cooperation )will check your room 3 days ahead of your departure from our university. If there is damage, compensation will be needed accordingly. Without any damage, all your deposits will be returned before you leave. The last one to leave ,please make sure your room be cleaned, your access-control card and room key returned to your apartment teachers’ office.


Return the registration form of departure: Please hand in the registration form to office 104 at International Exchange &Cooperation Center, after you get approval from all departments required.



School of International Education


December 18th,2017



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