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关于预防诈骗的提示Notice on the Prevention of Fraud-国际交流学院12号文件
2017-12-06 11:17  


Dear International Students,


Telecom fraud, bank card fraud and internet fraud are frequently reported to the police station. Victims suffered great economic losses. Therefore, enhancing awareness and ability to prevent the fraud can protect your personal property effectively.


Numerous kinds of frauds appeared nowadays. No matter what the swindlers say, the ultimate goal is the money. Therefore, students should not listen, believe and especially not remit money when confronted with frauds.

一、防范措施Preventive measures

1. 电话、微信、短信,遇到陌生人,只要一谈到银行卡,一律挂掉;

Phone call, Wehat message or text from strangers should be ignored when they mentioned bank card;

2. 只要一谈到中奖,一律挂掉;

Phone calls, WeChat message or text from strangers should be ignored when they mentioned winning prizes in a lottery or asking you to transfer money;

3. 只要一谈到公安局、银行柜员、领导干部的,或者让你猜猜我是谁,一律挂掉;

Phone calls, WeChat message or text from strangers should be ignored when they call themselves as the police officers or bank clerk, leaders or even let you guess who the person is.

4. 所有微信、短信、邮箱、网页,但凡让点击链接的,一律删掉;

WeChat messages, texts, internet page or email should be deleted when they ask you to click the links.


Tips for Fraud Prevention


Do not lend the passport, student ID card or booklet and other personal documents to the others in case of impersonation.


Do not provide personal information, such as passport number, cell phone number, bank card number and other personal information to others in case of being used by swindlers.


Do not believe message from strangers by saying winning prize in a lottery, raising money for disasters, traffic accident or increasing credit card limit.


School of International Education


December 5, 2017

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